Modern allure
Blue brings together the suggestions of natural stones of Central European origin. Essence is characterised by a lightly speckled texture with delicate fossil inclusions and comes in the classic Fumée and Perle colours and the original warm Avane tone. The value of Belgian Pierre Bleue is given on life in Bluetech and Emotion, whose different processes create different surfaces. Vintage represents natural stone, with dark tones and a grainy texture. Scié reinterprets the smooth surface generated by cutting the stone, featured by stripes with different nuances. Flammé represents the flamed finish that natural stone takes on when treated with intense heat.
Emotion Scié Light Emotion Scié Light
- 45x90/18”x36” R 9mm ME61
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm ME38
- Color shading
V4 Substantial
Emotion Scié Grey Emotion Scié Grey
- 45x90/18”x36” R 9mm ME60
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm ME37
- 60x60/24”x24” R OUT2.0 20mm ME39
- Color shading
V4 Substantial
Emotion Scié Dark Emotion Scié Dark
- 45x90/18”x36” R 9mm ME59
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm ME36
- Color shading
V4 Substantial
Emotion Flammé Grey Emotion Flammé Grey
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm ME04
- 60x60/24”x24” R OUT2.0 20mm MC56
- Color shading
V3 Moderate
Emotion Flammé Blue Emotion Flammé Blue
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm ME03
- 60x60/24”x24” R OUT2.0 20mm MC55
- Color shading
V3 Moderate
Bluetech Vintage Plain Bluetech Vintage Plain
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm L169
- 30x60/12”x24” R 9mm NF17
- 90x90/36”x36” R OUT2.0 20mm MT62
- 45x90/18”x36” R OUT2.0 20mm LP23
- 60x60/24”x24” R OUT2.0 20mm LC63
- Color shading
V2 Slight
Bluetech Vintage Charbon Bluetech Vintage Charbon
- 60x60/24”x24” R 9mm L673
- 45x90/18”x36” R OUT2.0 20mm LP24
- 60x60/24”x24” R OUT2.0 20mm LH28
- Color shading
V2 Slight
- Colors
- Sizes
- Room settings
- Looks